As of July 13 we will have lived in our current house seven years. When we purchased our house all the appliances were three years old. This winter our dishwasher kicked the bucket. It actually started to make the dishes dirtier when used. Being that it was 9 1/2 years old it was not worth repairing. My problem - I didn't want a dishwasher delivered in winter. The steps in the front of our house never see the sun. Therefore, after a snowfall or a freeze / thaw the steps are treacherous. We only ever enter and exit our house via the garage during the winter so for us it's not a problem. For delivery folk I thought they might take issue with it. Being that snowstorms are scarce in New England in June our new dishwasher was delivered on Friday.
Only Delivered.
Not Installed.
Not Installed.
Home Depot only has their people deliver and take away - they don't install. I guess we could have asked about installing it but my husband said he could take care of it. Between Saturday and Sunday we were at two different Home Depot's and a Lowe's. We had one piece we needed - to attach the hose to the water pipe - and none of the pieces that came with the installation kit ($19.95 extra) worked. In the end, my husband went back out alone on Sunday afternoon and found the one piece he needed.
Now, listen - do you hear that? No. Good. That's the dishwasher. Do you hear how quiet it is. So nice. So nice to not stand in front of the sink after dinner washing dishes. Instead, I did laundry.
1 comment:
We had to replace our washer, dryer and gas range all within a year. None of the appliances were more than 7 years old so I was pretty upset about shelling out the money for new ones. Anyway the mas exodus of our appliances has prompted me to push for a new tradition. When you get married you have a bridal shower and house warming I think that after you've been married for 7 years there should be another party where everyone chips in to buy you new appliances, towels and sheets since they're all worn out after 7 years! So far the tradition hasn't caught on and we'll be celebrating 8 years of marriage this Sept.
Good luck with the new dishwasher and may all your other appliances last more than 7 years!
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